Sunday 9 February 2014

From where all this started

Ok, So here's the first story, from where all this started, i used to be the type of guy who would always think that the sky is falling, No, oh Wait, I used to be a guy, who was decent, cute(lying) , So , i was in 10th standard, and was returning from school, through the way from a good society, you know Mercedes and all, then suddenly while dreaming that i will also have one,i saw a girl, omg, she was damn cute, taller then me, lol, yeah like i was in 10th and short, my height wasnt good then, though she was younger then me but you know girls' achieve their maximum height faster then boys, she was going to her tuition, holding a notebook near to her breast(The main reason i fell for her :P), lol kidding, yeah so where was i, yeah, we saw each other, no smiles, nothing, just a glance of each other, Somehow, from here and there, i got to know her name, and searched for her profile on facebook and found. Sent her a request and luckily besides all my pathetic profile pictures, she accepted and we started chatting over there. She was first like replying very late, so , i tried as hard as possible and from my great hardwork, flirty skills, awesomeness, jokes, pickup lines, i got her no. after 3 years of adding me (now you can imagine how dumb i used to be) but better late then never, so we continued over whatsapp and showed her my freaking desperation, but i improved, and started making some sensible conversations with her, she also used to talk normaly, then she somehow got to know that i like her and she said i am not that type of girl( every damn girl says that,if she is not interested) you will get a far better girl then me (Another sentimental point and this will make you believe that you're awesome and she is not worth you, but the truth is she want to get rid of you), But i tried every possible way to get out of friendzone , but never succeeded. I still talk to her, but only as a good friend, we had some awesome conversations,        

 Yeah, i know they're not that awesome but that was like just starting of me, She was a mature girl, a good girl, i still like her, but i know that i have no scope with her, So after this i realized that there is something that i am missing, yeah that barney factor, so after this, i tried lot of girls , just stay tuned, guys and dolls, this is just starting, i got lot of stuff to share , add your comments, wanna ask a question, yeah sure write it on your comments, will answer it, want a advice, welcome,So that's all, Thanks for reading, HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD.

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