Monday 10 February 2014

How To Find A Girl

To impress a girl, you have to first find one, So this one is for the guys, who are single and finding a girl, The best way to find a girl online is "instagram" and we all know the traditional one, roaming and talking to random girls,

For that, Say "thank you" to TAGS, just search tag of your nearby place which is famous enough for a hangout, especially among girls, like shopping malls, gardens, theaters, universities, restaurants etc, click on any photo of a girl you like, follow her and comment on her photos, So here comes the main part, yeah, one comment can make a diff. , it does in reality, because, "you're looking cute, you're gorgeous" is too mainstream, Here i am posting some screenshots, take help from these, think better ones, and post it in comments( at last i also need new ones :P), she will definitely reply to you, if she is a regular user, and trust me, one comment can give you her pin, all what matters is your first comment.

      and if she says that she didn't have bbm, be cool, you can ask her for fb, or even can send her a random photo as a direct on instagram and can chat on the comments. 
Wechat is a good app for chatting but the one feature that makes it awesome is that you can find a girl nearby your locality and can add her and chat with her.

So, this is it, You got a girl nearby your locality.Stay tuned and will tell ya how to impress, what to talk about, how to talk. Thanks for reading. post your comments and ask me a question. HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD 

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