Friday, 20 June 2014

If she's introvert type

Me: Hey! sup?
She: *no reply*
-After 67 centuries-
Still no reply
So, here we're dealing with these types of girls, even if you write whole bible to them, they only gonna say "k" or simply nothing, to this, reply 0.00001(K), and say, "Yeah, I am lazier than you". Does not replying hurt? of course, we all have met somewhere at sometime with these types of girls, their attitude, oh gosh!, Suppose they're roaming Paris and you ask her, "Hey! what ya doing?" on a phone or a text, what you will get as a reply? , Yeah "Nothing much, you tell" and they don't even write nothing much as whole, only "Nm, u tell", they simply don't show any interest in you, even if you're a celebrity or something, Trust me, these girls are same with their boyfriends also. These girls are hard to handle, these girls are square, she just doesn't want to talk to you. And what hurts most is there replies, they are either, yes or no, yup or nope, bye or cyaa later.
I also have met with one, she was the one, i have talked about her in my post "From where all this started", Trust me, she was one big rock in which no one can get into, i have been talking to her, like from 3 years, and if i show you some of our chats, you surely gonna laugh. Lemme show you some,                          

Yeah, look at the time gaps now, and she said me a desperate guy, oh hell, am i desperate? no!,.......Maybe..................Yes, but she has no right to say that,i didn't sound desperate in any of our conversation, atleast i think, and when i was taking these screenshots, i just realized how pathetic i was, yeah, i just read our chats which was like 3 years ago, and seriously, i am regretting now, Yeah, it happens, sometime you facepalm yourself for what you were, but you know, you have to be first dumb to be awesome later, But from a month or so, we're talking good, and she also said yes for a date with me, wish me a good luck, hope she would talk something other than one word reply on a date. Here i asked her for the date

Yeah, she finally said yes, you just have to be consistent, funny, caring, passionate, good looking, or in one word "AWESOME". I have been talking to girls, and one thing i have found in common, they all are dumb, every girl is dumb, you just have to find out how much, Level goes from "Bearable" to "I am out"
So this is it for introvert types, next I will write for some more types, stay in touch, be legendary till then, and remember,
                                                 "NEVER BE A MAINSTREAM GUY"

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