Friday, 20 June 2014

If she's introvert type

Me: Hey! sup?
She: *no reply*
-After 67 centuries-
Still no reply
So, here we're dealing with these types of girls, even if you write whole bible to them, they only gonna say "k" or simply nothing, to this, reply 0.00001(K), and say, "Yeah, I am lazier than you". Does not replying hurt? of course, we all have met somewhere at sometime with these types of girls, their attitude, oh gosh!, Suppose they're roaming Paris and you ask her, "Hey! what ya doing?" on a phone or a text, what you will get as a reply? , Yeah "Nothing much, you tell" and they don't even write nothing much as whole, only "Nm, u tell", they simply don't show any interest in you, even if you're a celebrity or something, Trust me, these girls are same with their boyfriends also. These girls are hard to handle, these girls are square, she just doesn't want to talk to you. And what hurts most is there replies, they are either, yes or no, yup or nope, bye or cyaa later.
I also have met with one, she was the one, i have talked about her in my post "From where all this started", Trust me, she was one big rock in which no one can get into, i have been talking to her, like from 3 years, and if i show you some of our chats, you surely gonna laugh. Lemme show you some,                          

Yeah, look at the time gaps now, and she said me a desperate guy, oh hell, am i desperate? no!,.......Maybe..................Yes, but she has no right to say that,i didn't sound desperate in any of our conversation, atleast i think, and when i was taking these screenshots, i just realized how pathetic i was, yeah, i just read our chats which was like 3 years ago, and seriously, i am regretting now, Yeah, it happens, sometime you facepalm yourself for what you were, but you know, you have to be first dumb to be awesome later, But from a month or so, we're talking good, and she also said yes for a date with me, wish me a good luck, hope she would talk something other than one word reply on a date. Here i asked her for the date

Yeah, she finally said yes, you just have to be consistent, funny, caring, passionate, good looking, or in one word "AWESOME". I have been talking to girls, and one thing i have found in common, they all are dumb, every girl is dumb, you just have to find out how much, Level goes from "Bearable" to "I am out"
So this is it for introvert types, next I will write for some more types, stay in touch, be legendary till then, and remember,
                                                 "NEVER BE A MAINSTREAM GUY"

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

If she got a Boyfriend

So, here we're dealing with one of the biggest problem. All cute girls have one thing in common i.e, their boyfriends. Now you're in situation that you have found a girl, but she got a boyfriend, to that there are two cases
1) You're ugly than her boyfriend- Sorry dude, seriously sorry, you only got 67 in a million chance of getting into her pants, You know, less than impressing a celebrity which is 83 in one million, go for a celebrity instead, or read the post "how to find a girl" until you got one who's single. I am with you, you don't need to worry
2) You're as good as him or better- You can hit on her, but there will be like lot of guys hitting on her too! what would be the difference? don't worry, i am here to tell you, first of all, never be mainstream, never, if you will, you probably end up in friendzone, seenzone or like 'doesn't even exist to her zone' or worse like brotherzone. if you're thinking to start a conversation with simple hi or hello, how's you or something, stop your hands, seriously? like hi or hello? they're too mainstream. lemme show you how it should be

This is how it is done, i got mobile no. of this girl in just 1:48 minutes, i think i should fill a form of guinness book of world records :P, And yeah, i also got her nudes, believe me, if you will be mainstream, you're not ending up as you thought, here's another
Wanna know how her bf is, don't say "how's your bf" i would rather suggest " how's my competition" , don't afraid of the reply "Dude you're not even close" , tell her, "Exactly, i am better", Its you who gonna make it happen.

So, that's it for this post, keep reading and impressing girls, thanks for your time for this post.
Next i am gonna tell you the types of girls, how to deal with them and all, keep in touch and remember
                                                   "NEVER BE A MAINSTREAM GUY"  

Sunday, 13 April 2014

How to make her laugh

So, Here we're dealing with one of the most difficult job in the world, wait, not one of the, it is the most difficult job, Dragging " To follow the traffic rules in GTA" to second place.If she's introvert, like the nerd type or serious type, sum up all jokes and your humor from every single cell of your body, its gonna be damn difficult, but hope for the best (But be ready for the worst :P).
First thing, girls love naughty jokes, For example
She: I don't know where i would be without my mother.
What you have replied to it? Whatever it is, not Gonna beat "Probably wiped up on a tissue" anyway! :P
Be naughty, but not vulgar,
But sometimes, a Simple weird joke can make her laugh, you don't have to make extra effort!
Yeah, i hate how she writes incomplete words, she thinks it's making her cool, anyway,  Sometime, sarcasm works better than anything else, Like

Here are some more screenshots, I can just tell you how you gonna do it, Don't expect that i would write jokes up here, find it yourself,

Sorry for grammatical mistake, i should have used "an indication" in fifth screenshot, My deepest apology! Sometimes it happens . And after that, maybe you will get appreciation, i mean like, i like your humor, i like your jokes and all, if you succeeded in making her laugh!, you do deserve that appreciation, Here's mine

  So, this is it, Hope i succeeded, in explaining how to make her laugh, because it's natural way to get attracted toward someone, it is studied that the people with good humor get laid 47 times faster than normal ones. thanks for giving it a shot and spending your free time reading it (yeah, you are not busy if you're reading this useless shit), Thanks once again, the next post will be on "if she got a boyfriend". Keep reading my blog

Monday, 17 February 2014

If she is Single

So, after finding a girl of your choice, and if she's single. Dude, you're damn lucky then. yeah, now you're thinking how to approach her. To that i must suggest that, "hi" is too mainstream. I believe that either swipe her feet off the ground or stay single. Your first msg have to be legendary, it have to be awesome, or you will also end up in the list of other guys trying to hit up on her. You must have heard that first impression is your last impression, So here are some screenshots, hope they will help you out.

Yeah, Sent? i know they're not that good, but still they work. But if they don't, i mean, if she didn't reply to you. I Got some more stuff

 Yeah, i know, i could have used a better color but still, its solving my purpose :P, But Just Don't let her go, try every possible way to impress her, but never be too desperate, Girls hate desperate guys. Make her laugh, even with a silly joke, she will find it cute. Hope this all is helping you out, comment your question or problem, will help you out. STAY TUNED, NEXT POST WILL BE "HOW TO MAKE HER LAUGH" , THERE ARE LOT OF WAYS, WILL ENLIGHTEN YOU UP IN NEXT POST, HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD.

Monday, 10 February 2014

How To Find A Girl

To impress a girl, you have to first find one, So this one is for the guys, who are single and finding a girl, The best way to find a girl online is "instagram" and we all know the traditional one, roaming and talking to random girls,

For that, Say "thank you" to TAGS, just search tag of your nearby place which is famous enough for a hangout, especially among girls, like shopping malls, gardens, theaters, universities, restaurants etc, click on any photo of a girl you like, follow her and comment on her photos, So here comes the main part, yeah, one comment can make a diff. , it does in reality, because, "you're looking cute, you're gorgeous" is too mainstream, Here i am posting some screenshots, take help from these, think better ones, and post it in comments( at last i also need new ones :P), she will definitely reply to you, if she is a regular user, and trust me, one comment can give you her pin, all what matters is your first comment.

      and if she says that she didn't have bbm, be cool, you can ask her for fb, or even can send her a random photo as a direct on instagram and can chat on the comments. 
Wechat is a good app for chatting but the one feature that makes it awesome is that you can find a girl nearby your locality and can add her and chat with her.

So, this is it, You got a girl nearby your locality.Stay tuned and will tell ya how to impress, what to talk about, how to talk. Thanks for reading. post your comments and ask me a question. HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

From where all this started

Ok, So here's the first story, from where all this started, i used to be the type of guy who would always think that the sky is falling, No, oh Wait, I used to be a guy, who was decent, cute(lying) , So , i was in 10th standard, and was returning from school, through the way from a good society, you know Mercedes and all, then suddenly while dreaming that i will also have one,i saw a girl, omg, she was damn cute, taller then me, lol, yeah like i was in 10th and short, my height wasnt good then, though she was younger then me but you know girls' achieve their maximum height faster then boys, she was going to her tuition, holding a notebook near to her breast(The main reason i fell for her :P), lol kidding, yeah so where was i, yeah, we saw each other, no smiles, nothing, just a glance of each other, Somehow, from here and there, i got to know her name, and searched for her profile on facebook and found. Sent her a request and luckily besides all my pathetic profile pictures, she accepted and we started chatting over there. She was first like replying very late, so , i tried as hard as possible and from my great hardwork, flirty skills, awesomeness, jokes, pickup lines, i got her no. after 3 years of adding me (now you can imagine how dumb i used to be) but better late then never, so we continued over whatsapp and showed her my freaking desperation, but i improved, and started making some sensible conversations with her, she also used to talk normaly, then she somehow got to know that i like her and she said i am not that type of girl( every damn girl says that,if she is not interested) you will get a far better girl then me (Another sentimental point and this will make you believe that you're awesome and she is not worth you, but the truth is she want to get rid of you), But i tried every possible way to get out of friendzone , but never succeeded. I still talk to her, but only as a good friend, we had some awesome conversations,        

 Yeah, i know they're not that awesome but that was like just starting of me, She was a mature girl, a good girl, i still like her, but i know that i have no scope with her, So after this i realized that there is something that i am missing, yeah that barney factor, so after this, i tried lot of girls , just stay tuned, guys and dolls, this is just starting, i got lot of stuff to share , add your comments, wanna ask a question, yeah sure write it on your comments, will answer it, want a advice, welcome,So that's all, Thanks for reading, HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Welcome Note

Welcome To My Blog...! Well!, This Blog is going to be "Legend* wait for it, wait for it, this is for the guys who want to impress a girl but unable to find a awesome way*Dary"